Small Business:

One of my biggest concerns is supporting entrepreneurship and small businesses in North Brevard. Its common for big companies to be in the news because of a deal they made with a government. How often do you hear about barbershops, or landscape companies, or restaurants getting that same support? How often does our county teach people what is needed to open a business in Brevard? I would be willing to work with Brevard Public Schools to teach our next generation what is needed to support themselves and start up a business. I believe small business is the life force of this country and our leadership should be focused on utilizing and encouraging that. I want to see more carpenters, electricians, barbers, chefs, architect, cleaners, mechanics, etc. I want to see a county where the small businesses take on the big guys. That’s a future that’s bright for all of us. That is why if I am elected, I will be looking to either reform the North Brevard Economic Development Zone to focus on Small Business entirely and build a culture of launching small businesses and training entrepreneurs OR if that can not be accomplished, I will be moving to abolish it entirely. Brevard County no longer needs to be giving subsidies out of our citizens’ tax dollars to large corporations and companies that can afford to run their own businesses.


Brevard County citizens are concerned about development from Titusville to Palm bay, for multiple reasons (Infrastructure, Environmental, etc.). Citizens in multiple areas feel like they are not being heard when they are concerned with their community’s development. This is absolutely unacceptable. When citizens have genuine concerns about the roads or the stormwater, the elected official should be looking into it WITH THEM and seeing if their concerns are correct or if the infrastructure is built to withstand the additional development. On top of my proposed necessary changes in how we handle citizen concerns, we must address the developers themselves. Many people feel lobbyists and developers have gotten in too close to the government. We must take a drastic turn to end any bureaucracy muddying the waters with developers. That is why if I am elected, You can count on me to vote NO on any zoning change request for development in which the developer does not own the property. I do not agree with deals where the buyers want to develop a property but do not buy it until after its been primed for development. These contingency deals prevent the surrounding neighbors from making offers on the property to prevent the development and drag the seller along for a long period of time. If you want to develop a piece of land, BUY IT FIRST, and then come and put in a request for development. Every single time a development or zoning change approval comes across my desk my first question will be “Does the developer currently own this property?”. If the answer is “No” then answer is “No.”

Ending Government Pollution:

Pollution is a major concern among the citizens of Brevard. So much so, that we voted in the Save Our Indian River Lagoon tax to help with our environment. Yet, government continues to spray herbicides into the canals for weed control instead of utilizing different systems or organizations. Resulting in chemicals ending up in our lagoon. The same people in charge of saving our lagoon are hurting it. I will be voting NO on all motions to spray herbicides into the canals as well as contacting our beautification teams to remove herbicide spray in our parks, along our roadways, and anywhere else I find out the government sprays toxic chemicals.

Testing Our Waters:

Our citizens have made it abundantly clear they believe we need to constantly be testing the waters of the Indian River Lagoon for toxic chemicals and pollutants. You can not fix a problem you do not know exists. I will be creating a transparent detailed plan for testing our waters up and down Brevard County and presenting that plan to the board for a vote. We need a system in place to let us know when something occurs. That is the only way to maintain the beautiful waterways in Brevard. In 2022 I fully supported the Right to Clean Water charter amendment for the city of Titusville. I believe wholeheartedly the citizens should have the right to hold government and each other accountable for negligent or intentional pollution. That pollution threatens our entire population and harms our citizens, the environment, and long term stability of our county. Therefore in year 1, in accordance with Brevard County Charter sections 1.8 and 7.3.1, I will propose a charter amendment to the board for a referendum for the Right to Clean Water for all of Brevard County including every municipality.


Brevard County Taxes have only been going in one direction the last 10 years. Up. While a lot of our current citizens aren’t feeling the effects because of the Tax Cap and the homestead exemption, that number is starting to dwindle. Housing prices have skyrocketed and with those increased assessments the taxes have also skyrocketed. The $25,000 homestead mattered against a $100k home. Now that the same house is $300k, it has a minimal effect and homeowners in Brevard are losing their ability to upgrade to a nicer home everyday. Protecting The Tax Cap is the absolute bare minimum ANY candidate should be doing. We need an extreme reduction in the amount the homeowners are paying. Not just maintaining the current rates. The current rates will lead to higher taxes as housing prices continue to increase. That is why if I am elected, In year 1 of budget motions, I will Move To Reduce the Property Tax Millage Rate by 50% The First Year. I will also vote to continue reducing it year after year. and I will NEVER vote for an increase in taxes. Not just no increase in Millage Rate, but also no overall increase in any county property taxes. Thanks to governments around the country, Americans have been forced to drastically cut their budgets the last few years. And if American households are having to cut their budgets, so should the governments. Excessive spending needs to end now, and if we can’t stop it by voting in those that promise to reduce spending, we can stop it by reducing revenue. Brevard County has over a $2 Billion Dollar Budget. We have plenty of money to effectively manage the government and maintain the infrastructure the citizens care about. We need extreme changes in taxes right now before it continues growing out of control.

I understand there are many other issues that matter. If you would like to know my stance on any of the other issues in Brevard, feel free to reach out on the Contact Page and I will respond as soon as I can.